
Project Design

Theoretical Framework

The Umang model has been conceptualised with a strategic interplay of women empowerment & leadership frameworks
and socio-behavioural theories of change.

Positioning Umang within the Empowerment Framework

It relies on Naila Kabeer’s Empowerment Model that offers a three-dimensional conceptual approach for women empowerment encompassing Resources (as part of the preconditions of empowerment), Agency (as an aspect of process) and Achievement (as a measure of outcomes).
Kabeer defines empowerment as the process by which those who have been denied the ability to make choices acquire such an ability.

Umang Assumptions
  • Mother and daughters enjoy a close relationship with a lot of caring and open sharing
  • Mothers have comparatively better space, position and voice in household decision making
Achievement (Outcomes)
Enhanced role in HH decision making & participation in public life
Access to
Peer network, knowledge and skills
Ability to define goals and act upon them
Umang Expectations
  • Mothers will be able to stop restrictive social norms for adolescent daughters
  • Mothers will be able to create a supportive & enabling environment for daughters to fulfil their aspirations for a better future

Socio-ecological Model

Umang works across all layers of the ‘Socio-ecological Model’, covering the entire spectrum of relationships & spaces
shared by women & girls – from intrapersonal to public policy levels.

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Public Policy

  • Duty bearers
  • PCMA 2005
  • Policies-health, education, skilling
  • Laws & entitlements
  • Integrated child protection scheme
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  • Duty bearers
  • Cluster level federations
  • Faith/Caste based leaders
  • Social & gender norms
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  • Village level community
  • Village organization
  • Local governance
  • Kinship
  • Neighbours
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Inter Personal

  • Daughter
  • Social & Gender Norms
  • SHG Members
  • Family members
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Mother or
Grandmother of Adolescent Girl

  • Child/early marriage survivor
  • Poor literacy level
  • Social & Gender Norms
  • Poor status in HH decisions
  • GBV, IPV, DV

5-Stage process for creation of social norms

The essence of Project Umang lies in confronting the deeply engrained & regressive social norm around child/early marriage and negotiating a normative shift with families, communities & system-level through mothers & members of women’s collectives. Hence, the Umang model has adopted a measurable & scalable approach for facilitating normative shift in alignment with Cristina Bicchieri’s 5 step process for creation of social norms.

Mother-daughter Relationship

Mother-Daughter Relationship

Nurturing aspirations

With enhanced awareness, skills and agency (acquired through Umang modular sessions) mothers are participating in household decisions more strongly, especially those around their children.

Protecting against child/early marriage

Modular sessions are enhancing communication & negotiation skills of mothers, making them aware on issues around child marriage, and motivating them to realise their potential as mothers.

Resolving issues together

Regular & open discussions around daughters’ health, education, and career concerns enable mothers to identify & resolve problems early. Also, their capacities are built to confront problems with external stakeholders.

Ensuring enabling environment

Increased provision of an enabling environment at household level for daughter’s education and other actions for fulfilling her aspirations

Increased participation of mothers

Increased participation of mothers in daughters’ education and school activities

Enriched mother-daughter communication

Umang is enriching their regular conversations with discussions around education goals & career aspirations, thus transforming them into meaningful dialogues.

Mothers and daughters are often the closest confidants of each other in households, who mostly spend time together, sharing their experiences and interacting about mundane things regularly. Their strong sense of empathy also arises from confronting similar vulnerabilities and experiences within households and in communities.

Project Umang is enhancing this relationship by strengthening the voices & spaces of mothers and daughters to delay age at marriage & shift norms. It is enabling mothers (who are members of women’s collectives) to realise the incredible role they can play in influencing & shaping their daughters’ future.

Project Umang believes that empowered mothers are better placed in nurturing the rights & aspirations of their daughters. As most mothers (current mothers of adolescent girls) happen to be survivors of child/early marriage themselves, they certainly don’t want their daughters to meet with the same fate. On the other hand, daughters too look up to their mothers for guidance, support and empathy within families. Umang is harnessing these dynamics with the following approach:

Leveraging the 3-tier federated structure of women collectives

Umang has reached out to

5-40 VOs

62 CLFs
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  • Built collective leadership at system level (for engagement with duty bearers on gender issues)

Village Organisations
(VOs) 5-20 SHGs

1,218 VOs
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  • Capacitated to raise issues at village level
  • Engage with PRIs, school authorities, etc
  • Initiate re-enrollment drives for school dropout girls

Self Help Groups
(10-20 Women)

15,035 SHGs
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  • Generated awareness on CEFM
  • Enhanced negotiation skills & decision-making at Household Level (to voice daughter’s concerns)
  • Built peer support at Community Level (to create an enabling environment for girls)

3-tier Institutional Structure

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Aim & Objectives

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Umang Roadmap