
Recent Empowered Case Studies

01 Jan 2024

My Support will Never Fade

Despite her financial constraints and societal pressures, Nuni Baski from Jamtara took a bold step of sending her daughter, Kalyani, to Kolkata to pursue a course in hotel management. Today, she has emerged as an inspiration to many mothers

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23 Sep 2023

A Bond that Strengthens Each Other

Rukmani Devi and her daughter Pushpa Kumari make a powerful mother-daughter duo. Together they have resisted societal pressure for early marriage of Pushpa and chosen education as a productive alternative.

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01 May 2023

Celebrating Mothers who Stood by their Daughters

As Mothers’ Day was celebrated the world over last month, we at Project Umang, salute the spirit of some extraordinary mothers from rural Jharkhand who have negotiated personal challenges & confronted social norms to support their daughters’ aspirations.

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